Animation is one of the latest breakthrough technologies of computer application,it is not only useful in the technological world but animations have also slowly taken over entertainment And other daily aspects of life. Animation is one of the latest breakthrough technologies of computer application,it is not only useful in the technological world but animations have also slowly taken over entertainment And other daily aspects of life.
Multimedia is the fileld concerned with computre controlled intregrated oftext,graphics, Drawing, still & moving images, animation, audio & any other media where every type of information can be representatied, stored, transmitted & processed digitally.Multimedia Presentations may be viewed by person on stage,projected,transmitted,or played locally with A media player.a broadcast may be a live or recorded multimedia presentation. The various formats of technological or digital multimedia aims at enhancing the users’ Experience by conveying information.
Web Designing,Computer games designing,Advertising graphics,animation and media. Multimedia professionals are also recruited in schools,publishing houses,films and video Conferencing.
Multimedia developers can also work as flash developers,network engineers,publisher,Graphic artists,sound experts,animators,authors/content providers,project managers and Pecture researchers.
On can work as free lancer
Animations are commonly associated with the making of cartoon and 3D characters.However the Deeper understanding of animations is that it is a display of different images in series which are in the artwork of 2D models and their positions are arranged in such a way that it creates an illusion of the movement.The theory behind it is that it follows a phenomenon of the vision persistence,which causes the optical illusion of the images, resulting in animation.
Multimedia programme enables students to lernhow to use computer programmes and create interactive presentations materials.Students are trained in websity devlopment software likew cascading style sheet or the adobe creative suite,which includes photoshop,flash,illustrator and Dreamweaver.
Besides this, they will also learn design techniques using multimedia technology.
Certification- Course’s/Certificate is developed By Autonums registered by Govt of Orissa, an ISO 9001-2008 Certified & ISO 9001-2015 Certified & Course’s/Certificate is developed and recognized by the Govt University, Approved by UGC (University Grant Commission) & (AIU). Under Minister of HRD Govt of India.