Professional Certificate in Jewellery Design (PCJD)

Course Duration : 1 year/2 sem (Eligibility :10th or 10+2 any stream/ Equivalent).

Jewellerey design is the art or profession of designing and creating jewellery.The art has taken many forms throughout the centuries, from the simple beadwork of ancient times to the sophisticated metalworking and gem cutting know in the modern day.

Jewellery designers design and make jewellery using a variety of materials, including gold, silver and precious stones. You could produce designs for mass production, make jewellery in small numbers or create bespoke pieces commissioned by a client. If you work for a company, your designs will be made by other members of staff.

This One year Professional Certificate in Jewellery design is courses recognized and develop by Autonomous and ISO Certified.

Course Module


The First Module Offers basic modules of learning to provide a Introduction jewellery design And designer, Accordingly these are modules on Elements of design, Design foundation for jewellery, Sketching for jewellery, computer fundamental with communication and soft skills are sharpened throughout the Courses. And Practical project & appreciation with portfolio development.

The Second Module provides them to build up the core knowledge and skills on designing and its various technicalities to enhance their ability with modules like Gemology, Gold and other precious metals, computer Graphic for jewellery design with Practical project & appreciation with portfolio development.


The students undergo the compulsory 1 month industry internship to nourish themselves with the industrial working conditions. The jewellery collection is made for the annual design show or annual exhibition and Industrial visits are also planned to give the first feel of the jewellery industry to the students. The students also undergo the industrial internship which provides them with the relevant work experience for their future careir