Industrial Training Certificate in Textile Design (ITCTD)

Course Duration : 2 year/4 sem (Eligibility : 10 thPass/Equivalent).

Textile design is essentially the process of creating designs for woven, knitted or printed fabrics or surface ornamented fabrics. Textile designers are involved with the production of these designs, which are used, sometimes repetitively, in clothing and interior decor items. The field encompasses the actual pattern making while supervising the production process. In other words, textile design is a process from the raw material into finished product. Fiber, yarn and finishes are the key elements to be considered during the textile design procedure.

The 2 year Industrial Training Certificate “Textile Design” course is developed and Recognized by the Govt.University approved By UGC, AIU & DEB Under Minister of HRD Govt of India.

Course Module


The First Module Offers basic modules of learning to provide a Introduction Textile designing, Accordingly these are modules on color & Texture, Basic of fashion design, Fiber science, Fundamental of yarn manufacturing, computer fundamental with communication and soft skills are sharpened throughout the Courses.

The Second Module provides them to build up the core knowledge and skills on designing and its various technicalities to enhance their ability with modules like Traditional Indian textile and Ornamentation, Fabric studies, Fabric manufacturing, Advance yarn manufacturing with Practical project & appreciation with portfolio development.


The Third Module Follows the innovation and understanding of new creation to enhance their professional ability with modules like Textile Chemical processing, textile dying and printing Advance fabric manufacturing, Garment Construction, etc. with Practical project & appreciation with portfolio development.

The Fourth Module The students will be prepared for Industry with the analysis of best practices in the area of design and technical aspect of knitting technology, Embroidery, with Practical project & appreciation with portfolio development.

The students undergo the compulsory1 month market survey & 1 month internship to nourish themselves with the industrial working conditions