Diploma in Textile Design (DTD)

Course Duration : 1 year/2 sem (Eligibility : 10+2/ PUC/ Equivalent).

Textile designing is a creative field that includes fashion design, carpet manufacturing and any other cloth-related field. Textile design fulfills a variety of purposes in our lives. For example, our clothing, carpets, drapes, towels, and rugs are all a result of textile design.

The 1 year Diploma “Textile Design” course is developed and recognized by the Govt.University approved by UGC, AIU & DEB Under Minister of HRD Govt of India.

Course Module


The First Module Offers basic modules of learning to provide a textile fiber science. Introduction To fashion, color texture, these are modules, Computer fundamental with communication and soft skills are sharpened throughout the Courses.

The Second Module provides them to build up the core knowledge and skills on designing and it’ s Various technicalities to enhance their ability with modules like Textile chemistry, spun yarn technology, Traditional Indian textiles and ornamentation with Practical Project & appreciation with portfolio development.

The knowledge of textile science enhances the students strength on the different types of fabrics-yarns used for the development of the fabric. Industrial visits are also planned to give the first feel of the textile industry to the students. The students undergo the compulsory1 month market survey & 1 month internship to nourish themselves with the industrial working conditions